Application Guidelines

Criteria For Assessment Of Applications From Third Parties For Funding
This doucment has been prepared to give third parties guidance on applications to the RSNT and the approach that the Trustees of the RSNT (the RSNT Trustees) will take when considering those applications.
1. Background
a. The Trustees of the RSNT operate to an annual budget which runs from 6th April to 5th April in each year. The RSNT operates to a model where it makes financial awards out of income generated from it's investment portfolio.
b. The object of the RSNT (the RSNT Charitable Objective) is: 'the advancement of education of young persons up to the age of 25, resident in Wales, in particular (but not limited to) those residents in the City and County of Cardiff, Wales and Devon including, (the Trust would always prioritise Cardiff then Wales then Devon) but so as not to limit the foregoing by payment of grants, scholarships, exhibitions and bursaries to individuals to attend recognised nautical or maritime courses relating to shipping, maritime law an dcommerce, navigation, sailing, oceanography and marine related environmental issues, in particular those which afford individuals first hand practical experience of being at sea, whether such courses be offered within any part of the United Kingdom or abroad.
c. When setting it's policies and making decisions on individual applications the Trustees of the RSNT have regard to the RSNT Charitable Objective.
d. The RSNT Trustees will consider applications for the following categories or award:
i. Financial support for third party charities (or other non-profit making bodies) whose activities are consistent with the RSNT Charitable Objective (Third Party Funding).
ii. Financial support for individuals who are undertaking training or educational courses or who are undertaking academic activities (such as research) that are consistent with the RSNT Charitable Objective (Individual Education Awards).
iii. Financial support for individuals who are undertaking vocational (on the job) training that leads to qualifications that are consistent with the RSNT Charitable Objective (Individual Vocational Awards).
2. Third Party Funding
a. The third-party organisation must be financially robust and satisfy the RSNT Trustees it is not dependent on RSNT funding for it's financial stability. As a rule of thumb, the RSNT would expect that RSNT funding would not amount to more than 30% of the total revenues of a third-party charity in any year.
b. RSNT funding must be attributable to activities that accord with the RSNT Charitable Objective and with a projected outcome that can be measured.
c. The RSNT may propose KPIs that are to be maintained and reported upon, to validate that the desired outcomes are being achieved and may link on-going funding to the achievement and reporting of KPI.
d. The RSNT Trustees value long term relationships with third party organisations and where regular committed funding can make a difference to outcomes. The RSNT Trustees may invite charities with whom it has an established relationship to apply for funding for up to a three-year period. In this case applicants will be requested to produce a three-year plan to support an extended funding commitment.
3. Individual Education Awards
a. The RSNT will consider making a financial award to an individual who is:
i. Applying to (or is enrolled on) a training and/or educational course with an accredited educational institution (such as an FE college or university) in a subject matter that has a maritime relevance or
ii. Planning to (or is undertaking) research or other academic activities in a subject matter that has a maritime relevance.
b. The RSNT Trustees require to be satisfied that the applicable course or academic activities can reasonably be expected to support a maritime/nautical based career and that the applicant is motivated to achieve this outcome.
c. The award may be a financial contribution to the fees payable by the individual and expenses that he/she will incur in completing the course or other academic activities (Qualifying Educational Costs).
d. The policy of the RSNT is to limit any award to no more than 50% of the Qualifying Educational Costs and the RSNT may require evidence be provided to verify the level of Qualifying Costs that are to be funded.
e. An individual Education Award may be made in tranches linked to stages in a course and in case an individual will be required to satisfy the RSNT that he/she has satisfied the course requirements to reach the next stage(s).
4. Individual Vocational Awards
a. The RSNT will consider making a financial award to an individual who is undertaking a salaried role within the maritime sector and who wishes to enhance his/her skills through training leading to professional or vocational qualifications.
b. The award may be a financial contribution to the fees payable by the individual and expenses that he/she will incur in completing the applicable training and obtaining qualifications (Qualifying Vocational Costs).
c. The policy of the RSNT is to limit any award to no more than 50% of the Qualifying Vocational Costs and the RSNT may require evidence to be provided to verify the level of Qualifying Costs that are to be funded.
d. Where any external costs relate to training provided by third parties, then RSNT would expect those third parties to have appropriate accreditation such as being a registered RYA teaching establishment in the case of RYA qualifications.
e. The RSNT would not expect to make any financial contribution towards the salary (or other employment) costs of an applicant, unless there are exceptional circumstances that justify such support.